
Archive for the ‘Emotional Objects’ Category

Marketing to Older People: Fact and Fiction

February 14, 2010 Leave a comment

The population of the UK is now older than ever before. According to the Office for National Statistics, there are now more adults aged over 45 than there are under 45. This was described by a Government report last year as a ‘tipping point’ and the UK population will continue to age for the foreseeable future. According to the Economist (26.06.09), this is a ‘slow-moving but relentless development that in time will have vast economic, social and political consequences’.

  • Customer wealth
  • Retirement
  • Imagery
  • Where next for Inclusive Design?

1. Inclusive branding and marketing.

2. Inclusive communications.

3. Inclusive Service.

The following article is to appear next month in BT Resources, a newsletter sent by BT to its financial services customers.( It talks about our customers, so 3rd age people, and how to tackle this…quite relevant and interesting!)

Categories: Ageing, Emotional Objects Tags:

The Inner History of Devices – Sherry Turkle

Amazing professor – worth a watch

Contemporary science has done a great disservice to Sigmund Freud, suggests Sherry Turkle, who believes the psychoanalytic tradition can teach us much about the often concealed connections between physical objects and our thoughts and feelings. On the occasion of the publication of her latest book, The Inner History of Devices — the third in a trilogy — Turkle speaks of the importance of technology as a subjective tool, as a window into the soul.